careful ! Ultima Markets counterfeit Australian ASIC regulation

At first glance, there is no problem. The Ultima Markets platform advertises that it provides foreign exchange, index, commodity, stock and other financial derivatives investment and trading services. It is an AR authorized representative of a company holding an Australian ASIC AFSL license, No. 001249894. At the same time, it also introduces that Ultima Markets Ltd is registered in St. Vincent with registration number 26330.

However, after inquiry, the Australian ASIC AR 001249894 corresponds to the company name ULTIMA MANAGEMENT PTY LTD, the address is: 69 Munro Ave Ashburton VIC 3147, and the license registration time is November 2016.

The address published on the Ultima Markets official website is 70 River Street, South Yarra, Vic 3141 Australia, which is inconsistent with the address on the Australian ASIC official website. Moreover, the Australian ASIC official website shows that the AR license registration time of ULTIMA MANAGEMENT PTY LTD was November 2016, but the Ultima Markets official website domain name was created on June 3, 2021, which is quite different.

Investors should note that many fake platforms first find a license with a regulatory platform, register a somewhat similar company name, and then pretend to be its license to deceive customers. Be careful of this kind of deck supervision!

In addition, regarding the St. Vincent FSA registration mentioned on the platform, there is indeed a ULTIMA MARKETS LTD found in the company list, but please note that the St. Vincent FSA agency does not supervise the business of financial derivatives brokers, it is just an ordinary company registration. Already many investors have been scammed by a platform claiming to be authorized by the St. Vincent authorities!

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