Russian authorities warn Apple over payment methods

The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) today announces that it has issued a warning to Apple over the lack of information about alternative payment methods on Apple Store.

The Russian regulator explains that it has received complaints from users of iOS-based devices and app developers.

The plaintiffs note that, in some cases it is cheaper to buy a certain product (for instance, an e-book) on the website of the seller. The difference in prices comes from the commission of 15%-30% that Apple charges for every payment via App Store. However, iOS-based device users are not informed about the other payment options.

The App Store Review Guidelines (point 3.1) prohibits developers of iOS apps from informing users of the existence of alternative payment methods. If a developer includes a link, for example, leading to a page offering an alternative payment option, the app will not be allowed on the App Store.

According to Russia’s FAS, Apple’s actions limit developers and negatively impact competition leading to a rise in the prices of the developers’ products.

The FAS has issued Apple with a warning, instructing the company to tackle the violations. Apple will have to comply not later than September 30, 2021.

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