Eurex Clearing enhances C7 with new Securities Clearing Service

Eurex Clearing has enhanced the C7 platform with a new securities clearing service.

The C7 clearing platform was designed to meet a changing regulatory environment. It offers the scalability and flexibility needed to meet evolving product opportunities and high-volume demand.

With the update to C7 SCS, Eurex Clearing AG (ECAG) migrates the clearing of equities and bonds to the C7 architecture and takes the strategic decision of introducing Trade Date Netting (TDN) to harmonize its services with European standards.

“With the new system, Eurex Clearing will be able to provide its customers with a shorter time-to-market for a greater responsiveness to changing regulatory demands and launching new products,” says Stefan Gasper, Head of Settlement Service.

The new securities clearing system C7 SCS was introduced for all transactions involving Central Counterparty Clearing House (CCP)-eligible instruments concluded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, as well as for transactions concluded on Eurex Deutschland that result in physical settled securities transactions.

With this migration, Eurex Clearing now applies Trade Date Netting (TDN) as the only supported net processing model. This new mechanism offered with C7 SCS, replaces the previous Basic Service, Extended Service and Full Service applying Actual Settlement Day Netting (ASDN).

“With the move to TDN, we offer our trading and clearing clients a state-of-the-art cash equity clearing platform, which at the same time gives us more flexibility for future service and product expansions,” explains Christian Schürlein, Head of Business Development Wholesale.

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    The dealer thoroughly shuffles portions of the pack until all the cards have been mixed and combined. The dealer designates one of the players to cut, and the plastic insert card is placed so that the last 60 to 75 cards or so will not be used. (Not dealing to the bottom of all the cards makes it more difficult for professional card counters to operate effectively.) Switch is one of the many versions of Black Jack around, we aim to cover them all between now and eternity, but that could take years, so don’t hold your breath for any exciting Blackjack posts any time soon. I think this game is good because it’s simple, can be played anywhere, and is very quick. Best Online Casino Card Games You Should Try Answer: No, you can't finish the game on a 'special card' so if you are playing the version where 8 skips go, you can't have the 8 as your last card.

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  88. Legalization changed Canada forever and made us a global leader in cannabis. Cannabis tourism includes the variety of activities, events and places that are part of any vacation or travel plans that incorporate cannabis. What’s missing are the rules around consuming cannabis socially in public settings, highlighting a broader issue about cannabis legalization in Canada. Canada. Statistics Canada. 2004. General Social Survey. Cycle 18. Victimization, 2004. Ottawa: Statistics Canada. The danger he sees is that this could potentially lead to a normalization of cannabis, wider recreational use and greater overall harm to Canadians’ health. “Although legalization is the best way to minimize harm here, as it is with alcohol and tobacco, this does not mean we’re selling a healthy product or that marijuana is without serious health risks,” he says. “We should try to build into the legislation regulatory measures that help to change the culture in a way that doesn’t normalize marijuana use.”
    “When the bill becomes law sometime next year, Canada will become the second country to have legalized and regulated marijuana.” Canadians who want to grow their own marijuana at home would be limited to four plants per household, CBC News said. Many of his customers are Canadian tourists who are terrified of trying to bring pot across the border, he said. If more use marijuana when they’re in Canada, more will use when they’re on vacation in the states. Watch the video interview here Please enable Cookies and reload the page. UK Labour backbencher Paul Flynn said the tide of world opinion is moving to legalisation of cannabis As a result, leaders of the Assembly of First Nations, Métis National Council and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami held a joint news conference in Toronto saying they were being left out of too many discussions.

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  141. Design Academy е водещо учебно заведение за изучаване на дизайн в България. Тя предлага широк спектър от обучения и курсове, които са подходящи както за начинаещи, така и за напреднали в областта на дизайна. Едно от най-значимите предимства на Design Academy е наличието на безплатни курсове, достъпни за всички студенти. Освен това, при успешно завършване на обучението, студентите получават професионален диплом, който е признат от Министерството на образованието и науката. С изключително квалифицирани преподаватели и актуална програма, Design Academy предоставя отлична възможност за развитие на креативните и техническите умения в областта на дизайна. Благодарение на тази академия, студентите имат възможността да изградят здрави основи и да се подготвят за успешна кариера в сферата на дизайна.

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