QuantConnect launches Datasets

Algorithmic trading platform QuantConnect today announced the launch of QuantConnect Datasets, a platform where a quant can harness a data feed with a single line of code and begin live-trading in minutes.

A true end-to-end integration, QuantConnect Datasets allows vendor datasets to be spun up and applied from research to live trading in minutes. The beauty of QuantConnect Datasets is it removes all of the friction of formatting, updating, and coding data integration with LEAN.

“QuantConnect Datasets is to traditional data onboarding what email is to snail mail. The impact to quants productivity cannot be overstated,” said QuantConnect CEO, Jared Broad. “One of the most tedious and time-consuming aspects of setting up an algorithmic trading strategy is the onboarding of data, or ETL. This process of ingesting data typically has to be repeated over and over for each user of a dataset, but with Datasets data can be instantly consumed within the QuantConnect Cloud or downloaded to a user’s local environment via our LEAN CLI — making ETL a distant memory.”

QuantConnect Datasets gives quants access to some of the most in-demand market and alternative data sources, such as Tiingo News Feeds, Quiver Quantitative’s WallStreetBets Discussion Data, Benzinga, RegAlytics, Brain, and many others. Because the data has already been onboarded to Datasets, quants can harness the data feed with minimal coding and begin live trading in minutes.

The launch of Datasets is yet another example of QuantConnect’s commitment to the algorithmic trading community. The ultimate goal for the platform is to bring together thousands of data providers and quants resulting in endless possibilities for idea and strategy development.

6 Replies to “QuantConnect launches Datasets”

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