Urban Angehrn takes up role as new FINMA CEO

Urban Angehrn takes up his new post as CEO of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) today. He replaces CEO ad interim Jan Blöchliger, who will once again be in charge of banking supervision. Urban Angehrn will recuse himself from items of business that concern his former employer.

Jan Blöchliger returns to his role as Head of the Banks division and member of the Executive Board. Michael Waldburger, who has led the Banks division on an interim basis for the past seven months and was a member of the Executive Board, will lead the supervision of UBS as before.

Marlene Amstad, Chair of FINMA’s Board of Directors, says:

“The Swiss financial centre faces major opportunities and challenges, particularly in relation to digitalisation and sustainability. Besides his long and broad experience in the traditional focus areas of supervision, not least risk management, Urban Angehrn also has considerable experience in both of these areas. I am very much looking forward to driving progress in these areas of future relevance together with him and the whole of the FINMA leadership team.”

New CEO Urban Angehrn commented:

“I am very happy to be joining a well-run, established authority, which has gained both national and international recognition. Since it was established almost thirteen years ago, FINMA has achieved a lot and laid the foundations for safeguarding financial stability, client protection and integrity in the financial centre.

Building on this, I now intend – together with the leadership team and the employees – to develop FINMA further, in particular by looking closely at the topic of change in the sector and actively accompanying this with an open mind as a supervisory authority.”

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