Tim Rudland joins Liquidity.net as Liquidity Manager

FNG has learned that seasoned FX industry executive Tim Rudland has joined ThinkMarkets’ new institutional FX operation, Liquidity.net, as Liquidity Manager.

Tim Rudland had been with FXCM’s institutional and B2B services arm FXCM Pro for the past two years, serving as VP Institutional Sales. Prior to FXCM he spent four years at GKFX and six years at Alpari UK, in a variety of senior trading related roles. He began his FX career as a dealer at CMC Markets in 2004.

We reported in September that ThinkMarkets was spinning off Liquidity.net as a foray into multi-asset liquidity provision aimed at servicing institutional and professional clients. The new brand aims to service banks, brokers, hedge funds, and asset managers by leveraging its prime broker relationships. Liquidity.net is a registered trading name in the UK with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and has established offices in London and Dubai. ThinkMarkets brought on board former oneZero and PrimeXM executive Mukrram Ali as Managing Director of the new operation.

Mr. Rudland will be relocating from London to Dubai for his new position with Liquidity.net.

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    Based on epidemiological data (e.g. prevalence of relevant cannabis use rates and relevant risk behaviors; risk ratios; and annual numbers of morbidity/mortality cases in relevant domains), and applying the methodology of comparative risk assessment, we estimated attributable fractions for cannabis-related morbidity and mortality, specifically for: (i) motor-vehicle accidents (MVAs); (ii) use disorders; (iii) mental health (psychosis) and (iv) lung cancer. “Health care professionals have an opportunity to educate patients about the safer use of cannabis products, including advising against cannabis use and driving (especially in combination with alcohol), with a suggested wait time of at least 6 hours before driving,” the authors say. Canada had one of the highest rates of cannabis use in the world before legalization in 2018, said lead researcher Dr. Jibran Khokhar, professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the Ontario Veterinary College.

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