Verena Ross takes up her role as ESMA Chair

Verena Ross started in her new position as Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, today.

Ms Ross replaces Steven Maijoor, the former Chair, and is appointed for a five-year term, renewable once. A German national, she was Executive Director at ESMA from 2011 to 2021, having previously held regulatory and supervisory roles in London. Anneli Tuominen, Vice Chair of ESMA and Director-General at the FIN-FSA of Finland, has acted as Interim Chair since 1 April 2021 and relinquished this position on 31 October 2021.

Verena Ross holds a degree in Chinese studies and economics and a Master’s degree in economics.

Ms Ross, commenting on her appointment, said:

“I feel very privileged to take on the role of ESMA Chair at such an exciting time. I look forward to leading this wonderful organisation as it faces an ambitious agenda driving regulatory alignment and supervisory convergence, acting as a direct supervisor, and dealing with new challenges and opportunities in the European capital markets.”

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Anneli Tuominen, who has done a fantastic job in leading ESMA as its interim Chair for the past seven months. Her untiring commitment has allowed ESMA to continue delivering on its mandate during this transitory phase.”

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